Ultrasound is a technology used in medicine to visualize a number of soft tissue structures within the human body. It is particularly useful in examining blood vessels and musculoskeletal organs. In addition, ultrasound can be used for a variety of purposes.
In an ultrasound scan, a technician or doctor will use a hand held transducer to transmit high frequency sound waves into the body. The transducer will then be moved over an area of interest. This Ultrasound Scarborough moving action can be very beneficial to the patient, as it can provide important insight into the source of pain. Also, the thermal energy that is produced can loosen up tight muscles. These therapies also help to promote healing in damaged tissues.
Ultrasound is a valuable diagnostic tool that can be used to guide a physician or surgeon during certain surgical procedures. It is often the best imaging test available, since it does not involve radiation. An ultrasound scan will typically last for about 30 minutes, though a vascular imaging procedure can take up to an hour.
While some diagnostic ultrasound examinations involve placing a device in the body, most are performed outside of the body. A handheld transducer is positioned on an area with gentle pressure, and then a computer transforms the image into a visual picture. The images are then displayed on a video monitor.
An ultrasound exam is a safe and effective way to evaluate a wide range of musculoskeletal organs, including the kidneys, bladder, scrotum, and the fetus. Additionally, it is an important part of the assessment of breast lumps.
In some instances, a patient will be asked to remove jewelry and clothing. If the doctor determines that the area to be scanned is uncomfortable, the patient may be given heating packs to warm up the affected areas. The temperature increase can also assist in promoting blood circulation.
Ultrasound has been used to image the human body for more than 50 years. It can provide high quality pictures of most parts of the body. It is most frequently used to image the musculoskeletal system, as well as the pelvis and abdominal organs. However, the method can also be used to examine the arteries, liver, and tendons.
A Scarborough ultrasound clinic is located near Eglington Avenue East, and it is steps from the Kennedy Go Train Station. You can schedule an appointment online or by calling +1 647-388-5595. Depending on the type of exam you have, you may be required to wear a hospital gown. During your appointment, you will be accompanied by a sonographer, who will listen to your concerns and perform the ultrasound.
Some ultrasound examinations require the use of sedatives. Sedatives can be administered through a tube in the arm or into the hand. For this reason, it is best to ask your doctor about any preparations you need to make before your ultrasound.
Ultrasound is a very useful diagnostic test, as it produces detailed and accurate images. The resulting images can aid in the diagnosis of a wide range of conditions, and are also used to guide treatment. Many medical professionals are trained to conduct an ultrasound examination, including nurses, doctors, and midwives.